All Saints Centre Kings Heath

A purpose-built centre in the heart of Kings Heath, attached to the historic All Saints Church and fronted by the newly developed Village Square.

Regular Events and Clubs

All Saints Youth Project

The project includes:

  • Youth club for mainstream young people and those with additional needs, Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-8:30
  • Youth Achievement Awards
  • Support moving from primary to secondary school, Wednesdays 3:30-5:30
  • After School Drop In, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-5:30
  • Holiday scheme for mainstream young people and young people with additional needs
  • An arts and craft parent drop-in
  • A variety of support groups for parents, families and carers

for more info  go to    or call    Tel 0121 4431842    email


Parent Project

The Parent Project is part of the Youth Project.  All Saints Centre has a strong commitment to developing an inclusive project open to all young people, regardless of ability or background, to support their transition from adolescence to adulthood.  The Parent Project was created to enable us to deliver a more integrated approach by addressing the needs of the family.

Phone  0121 443 1842   or find out more on the Youth Project’s own website

Elders Lunch Club

Open to all older people, this club is run by church volunteers each Wednesday at 12 noon.

More info from Liz Turner, 0121 604 6086

TCM Tea cak and Music for people over 55

Scouts, Cubs & Beavers

1st Midland B-P Scout Group for boys and girls, Fridays 18:45 – 21:30 in the Hall.

Beaver Scouts – six to eight years.
Cub Scouts – aged between 8 and 10½ years
Scouts and Senior Scouts – learn various skills, such as map reading, camp cooking and first aid in preparation for camp.

More info from Teanah Rowland email: tel: 07835327297

Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do for boys and girls combines combat and self-defence techniques with sport and exercise.

Back In January 2025

Contact 07843 046221 or email Toby

Christian Meditation

This silent meditation group has been meeting in the Moseley area for some 20 years.  It now meets at All Saints Centre on Monday evenings 19:45 – 20:45 in the Chapel Room, and welcomes new members.  For more information contact Joy Cheek on 0121 443 4625.

Seventh Day Adventists

The Seventh Day Adventists meet on Saturday mornings 09:30 – 12:00.  More info from Joy Thompson 440 1354

All Saints Badminton Club

Wednesday evenings, 8-10pm in the Main Hall

All Saints Badminton Club has been playing for over 50 years.  We are a friendly mixed ability club – we usually play mixed doubles – everyone over the age of 14 welcome.  You will usually get at least three games.

FIRST NIGHT FREE – why not give us a go, after that it’s £5 a night or £85 for the season – which ends in June 2016.

To find out more just turn up or call Des on 0121 443 5292


Traid Craft goods are available to buy after Sunday Service call Gill Parkin for more information on Tel 0121 6046127  or email

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month call   for further information




Youth Work on the Village Square

Youth Worker on the Village Square, organising after school activities  3 pm onwards Mon to Thurs weather permitting Spring Summer


Clarion Singers

Birmingham Clarion Singers were established in 1940, and continue into the twenty first Century with songs and music from a long established workers’ tradition.  They have a wide repertoire, from folk to classical, from ballads to African choral works.  They are a socialist choir, and support the road to peace, justice and equality for all.

The choir meets weekly on Wednesdays during term time.  Rehearsals run from 7:30 to 9:30 and are open to anyone – no auditions.

More details Tel 0121 444 0760

Village Square Gardening Club

Gardening Club meets every Wednesday from 9:30am to 1:30pm.  Tel Dave  07732137772 for more information

Birmingham Careers Service

Birmingham Careers Service is at All Saints Youth Project to help you get fixed up.

Aged 16-19?  Struggling to find a job, apprenticeship or suitable education?  Confused about what to do next?

For further help and advice or information ring 0121 675 6105


