All Saints Community Arts (ASCA) runs an ongoing programme of exhibitions, providing space for visual artists to show their work in a convivial community setting – the Welcome Space in the All Saints Centre. If you’d like to arrange an appointment to discuss exhibiting your artwork, please contact us
21 October 2019 – running throughout 2020 LOCAL COLOUR 12 artists a selected group show
This selected group exhibition celebrates the work of artists who have previously had solo shows in the Welcome Space of All Saints Centre in the past 7 years . This is our 56th show and the first 12 artists are : Pete Davies : Paula Gabb : John Gage : Robert Geoghegan : Khaled El Hagar : Paul Knapman : Jake Lever : Gillian Lever : Janice Rider : Pat Rowland : GIllian Simpson : Faiqa Uppal . As we move through the year and works sell , the images and artists will change , providing a continuously refreshing visual art display .
15 July – 20 October 2019 A Drawing Life by Nicky Braithwaite
Nicky has Asperger’s Syndrome . He is 52 and was born and educated in Birmingham .g He has compulsively drawn from the age of 3 , almost daily up until the present day . His life-long interest is in plant-life . The exhibition displays a selection of his drawings from childhood to the present . His mother Margaret has recently written a book about his life .
2 June – 14 July 2019 Waiting photographs by Linda Winstanley
A collection of photographs of Bournville Station draw on Linda’s childhood memories of travel , watching and waiting at stations . From busy international stations around the world to this quiet and sleepy local Station. Opened 3rd April 1876 as Stirchley Street it was a single track. Cadbury Bournville opened in 1879 and in 1880 the station became Stirchley Street and Bournville. In 1885 a southbound platform was built , squeezing in between the existing one and the Birmingham Worcester canal. In 1904 the station was renamed Bournville. It is quite a striking local station and well worth a look .
1 April – 2 June 2019 : Watercolour Landscapes by Pat Rowland
These are a selection of paintings of Pat’s favourite outdoor scenes. They include Billesley Common, Earlswood Lakes and Kings Heath Park. Others include Brean in Somerset, and Playa De Las Americas in Tenerife. Pat has always been creative having dabbled in a variety of arts and crafts, but having enrolled in an art class in 2017, she has discovered the pleasure of painting in watercolour. Pat, a retired community worker, has always lived in the Kings Heath area and was part of the fund raising team for the new development at All Saints Centre.
4 February – 31 March 2019 : Land of my Fathers – Wales & Beyond by Pete Davies
This exhibition brings together some of Pete’s favourite photographic memories of his native Wales, along with some of his landscape photography. Pete’s photography really took off after he moved to Birmingham in 1992. As well as the aesthetic, Pete is also interested in the technical and scientific aspects of photography and when his interest in amateur astronomy grew, it was a natural progression to learn techniques of astrophotography, made accessible to everyone in the digital age.
10 December – 3 February 2019: All Saints Nativity Festival
The results of a Nativity model-making workshop are displayed in photographs by Emily Hoe, Children & Families Minister for All Saints Church, Kings Heath, to enhance the spiritual meaning of Christmas and the importance of sharing and giving. Emily regularly delivers creative workshops for families and children.
15 October – 9 December 2018: Learn to Fly – paintings by Gillian Simpson
A collection of works inspired by Gillian’s connection with the beautiful far west of Cornwall, expressing her sense of being in the powerful scenery with its rugged coastline, clear seas and atmospheric moorlands. Gillian works mostly in watercolour and inks. She loves to sketch the seagulls, fascinated by their individuality and inventiveness. Learn to Fly marks All Saints Community Arts’ 50th exhibition.
3 September – 14 October 2018: Eurydice’s Escape – paintings by Nina Nazir
Nina, recently graduated from Birmingham School of Art, BCU explores ideas around the theme of mythological character Eurydice through heightened, vivid application of paint.
23 July – 2 September 2018: Meditations with my IPhone – photographs by Vivien Thickett
Many meditation techniques involve gazing on an image to enable an over-active mind to become still and focussed. This can induce a feeling of calmness in the body and assist healing. Taken with a basic smartphone, these photos capture moments of beauty which can be continually revisited and enjoyed.
28 May – 22 July 2018: ABOUT FACE mask drawings by Janice Rider
Inspired by the non-sequential patterns created by mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, reminiscent of the geometrics of Islamic Art, Janice set herself the challenge of evoking ‘Faces’ from within the different designs. Faces appeared, displaying elements of performance masks from bygone civilizations, referencing tribal and totemic patterns and reflecting Janice’s ongoing interest in cultural difference and similarity. Each portrait is unique and hand coloured using Inktense and water soluble pencils.
20 March – 27 May 2018: COMPLEXions by All Saints Youth Project
This exhibition of photographs draws our attention to the vibrant life of the ALL SAINTS YOUTH PROJECT which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. For the exhibition, the young people have selected photographs illustrating words that they identify with their youth project: joy, learning, support, pride, respect, together.
25 February – 18 March 2018: Paintings by Faiqa Uppal
Faiqa is a Fine Artist who works in watercolours. She loves to paint any subject which inspires her. A subject changes her mood and her mood reflects in her painting!! She has a Master of Fine Arts (MFA 1st Position with Gold medal). From University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
8 January – 25 February 2018: Highbury Park in Snow – by Brian Sheridan
Brian Sheridan is a multidisciplinary photographer and visual artist whose methodologies are rooted in walking and matters related to land, the environment, ecology and natural history. These images represent Brian’s love of trees, their beauty and surreal shapes, their unsung contribution to civilisation and culture.
11 December – 7 January 2018: Work by students of King Edward VI Camphill School for Girls
Years 7 – 9 have getting creative with some extra-curricula projects, developing images of Birmingham landscapes with oil pastels, inspired by the colourful paintings of David Hockney and engaging in dialogue through their ‘Sketchbook Circle’.
16 October – 10 December 2017: Earthly Things by Sarah McWilliams 
In the spirit of the Victorian Cabinet of Curiosities, objects have been collected together by way of exploring the value of sentiment, the patina of nostalgia, and the hoarding of personal relics. This series of EARTHLY THINGS creates order from a hoard excavated from belongings that have been collected, inherited, found. Sarah McWilliams graduated in Fine Art from Ulster University and currently teaches Art in a West Midlands secondary school.
3 September – 15 October 2017: Drawings by Joyce Rimmer
Joyce, born in 1932 in Gloucestershire, is 85 in September. Despite having two brothers, as a child she was lonely, so she began to draw pictures. She studied History at Bristol University, social work at L.S.E. and came to Birmingham as a probation officer in 1956. She worked in Summer Lane where The Birmingham Settlement was, about which she wrote a book Troubles Shared. After leaving the probation service, she lectured at Birmingham University until 1992. Joyce is a founder member of the Birmingham branch of Cruse Bereavement Care and became their Chair. All Saints Community Arts is delighted to present some of Joyce’s remarkable and witty drawings.
9 July – 3 Sept 2017: Movements of the East – photographic exhibition by Roy Anthony Reid
Roy, born in Kingston Jamaica, lived in Kings Heath and worked as an engineer and learning mentor. Roy died in 2014 and his family has set up The Roy Anthony Reid Foundation in his memory to help support and inspire the aspirations of young African-Caribbean people in the Midlands and the Caribbean. This exhibition offers a vibrant visual photo essay of Indian Classical, Contemporary & Folk dances, captured from live performances, exploring the dynamics between music , movement and Hindu mythology.
29 May – 9 July 2017: Core Contrasts paintings by Paula Gabb
Paula is inspired by land and cityscape, focusing on her local Birmingham area and nearby countryside. Using palette knife, Paula makes no attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but uses shapes, colours and gestural marks in impasto paint to achieve their effect.
7 April – 28 May 2017: Intimate Details by Bernard Davis
These sensitive photographs represent an unusual building: a restored flaxmill and cottages in Dungiven, Northern Ireland, where they now produce hand-woven linen and recreate ancient crafts.
26 Feb – 7 April 2017: Gillian Lever Painting Exhibition
Colourful abstract compositions.
“The creative process, like a spiritual journey, is intuitive, non-linear and experimental. It points us towards our essential nature, which is a reflection of the boundless creativity of the Universe.”
John Daido Loori ‘The Zen of Creativity’
9 January-26 February 2017: Paintings from Cairo by Omar Elfayoumi
A rare privilege to view a selection of works by internationally renowned Egyptian artist Omar Elfayoumi. Most days Omar visits his favourite coffeehouse to meet and observe fellow customers. Drawing on artistic influences from Europe to the iconic mummy paintings of Fayoum, he depicts soulful glimpses into the everyday modern lives of people from a little-changed ancient culture.
16 October 2016 – 8 January 2017: Passengers by Colin Monk
This exhibition of figurative paintings depicts people using the old and new New Street Station. Colin emphasises the stress, anticipation and points of calm that a station can engender.
5 September – 16 October 2016: Terry Howard’s recent paintings
This will be Terry’s third exhibition with us. He is one of our most popular local artists.
4 July – 4 September 2016: Photographic exhibition by Paul Knapman
Paul is a local keen amateur photographer. This collection is a mix of travel-inspired landscapes, personal moments and interesting natural and man-made patterns. You will see no cropping or manipulation by Photoshop : his prints are exactly what he saw through the viewfinder.
23 May – 3 July 2016: Recent Work by Sally Delany
Sally is a professional artist, well known for her tutoring at MAC and other local venues. Her work is always about light and is inspired by strong contrasts of light and shade. She enjoys working in a variety of media.
30 March – 22 May 2016: Local Observational Studies by Gary Izzard
Gary is a local artist and designer, interested in all forms of visual communication. He works in a variety of styles and media. His formal art-based education was at the old Moseley Road Art School, Bournville College of Art and Crafts, and Graphic Communication at the University of Wolverhampton which helped to sustain and reinforce his own practice. Gary has recently moved away from commercial art into fine art and this is his first solo show.
6 – 27 March 2016: Stations of the Cross by Beverley Barr
Popular local artist Beverley Barr will be showing her prints of STATIONS OF THE CROSS, the originals of which are permanently housed in Christ Church, Eastbourne. The exhibition ties in with displays of the same theme by local community groups in All Saints Church.
29 November – 16 January 2016: Knit One, Purl Together
The story of a tree of community friendship. A photographic exhibition by Vicki Okoosi and Glynis Powell who together with the Rev Diane Thompson have co-ordinated the making of The Big Knitted Christmas Tree which will be on display in All Saints Church, Kings Heath from the end of November.
1 – 29 November: Watercolour Paintings by Jean Healey
Jean Healey took up painting following her retirement from teaching. She also liked to encourage other local artists by organizing art exhibitions in south Cheshire, where she lived. Jean died in 2012. She was the mother of Margaret Healey-Pollett, one of the new joint managers of the All Saints Centre cafe.
1 September – 31 October: SELFIES & WISHES 
Turning the concept of the Smartphone Selfie on its head, this year ASCA’s Big Draw workshop, led by artist Janice Rider, at All Saints Summer Fayre, encouraged the people of Kings Heath to draw self portraits and make a wish for the community. The selected drawings are by children and adults aged 3-70. All works are for sale.
28 June-30 August: LANDSCAPES – Beverley Barr
Beverley is a local professional artist born in Kings Norton. She graduated from Bath Academy of Art in 1970 where the beautiful grounds of Corsham Court fostered her love of antiquity, landscape and especially trees. These works display her assured draughtmanship in ink, watercolour, coloured pencil and mixed-media.
4 May to 27 June: Terry Howard – Recent Paintings
This is Terry’s second exhibition in the Welcome Space.
27 February to 3 May: Khaled El Hagar – Photography Exhibition ‘Cities and Water’
“In these photos I have tried to capture my feeling, my desire and my love for water through three iconic cities; Alexandria, Venice and St Ives. Three beautiful places where water plays an integral part.”
5 January to 28 February: Sarah Bagnall – Bringing My Outdoors, Indoors
An exhibition of patterns made digitally and inspired by the artist’s move from a home with a garden to one without.

30 November 2014 to 4 January 2015: Community Knitivity Project
Exhibition of work made by a ‘close knit’ community. Photographs of ‘Sheep Missing in Kings Heath’ trail sheep and preparations for a 17 ft knitted Christmas Tree in 2015.

19 October to 30 November: Gary Skelhorn – Mixed Media Painting
Gary Skelhorn makes Mixed Media Paintings of Angels. (5% of proceeds to go to the All Saints Youth Project).
1 Sept to 19 Oct: John Gage – Giclee Prints
John has been drawing and painting since childhood. He trained as an architect and has a fascination with buildings. He moved to Birmingham in 2004 and since then has been gradually discovering and recording the city’s landmarks. A wider range of prints can be viewed on John’s website
11 July to 31 August: Helen McKiernan Paintings
Paintings investigating the ways that colours work in relationship to one another.
6 May to 11 July: Gillian Lever Painting Exhibition
Colourful abstract paintings in oils and mixed media. 20% painting sales will go towards Meenakshi Parmar’s Gap Year Project working as a volunteer with young children in Cambodia.

24 March to 2 May: Bishop Challoner Art Trail
Part of an exhibition showing at several different venues in Kings Heath. This Art Retrospective from ex-pupils of Bishop Challoner School featured 25 works by Birmingham born, up and coming artists, who are currently studying at or have graduated from prestigious Art Colleges. The artists are now based in Birmingham, London and Paris.
10 Feb to 23 March: Terry Howard – Recent paintings
Terry is an experienced professional artist and an Associate of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. He lives locally in Kings Heath and has worked for many years as a commercial and graphic artist.
29 Dec 2013 to 9 Feb 2014: Linda Winstanley – Lost Voices in Malta
“These twelve photographs are an attempt to capture some of my vision of Malta. My father, one of seven children, was born in Malta. As a youngster, I neither knew my father nor Malta. When I did get to know my father he spoke of Malta and it seemed like a distant land. It intrigued me. My father’s family spoke of Malta with great fondness. My uncle loved Malta and my aunt couldn’t believe that her parents removed her from such a sunny climate where she picked fruit from the trees on the way to school, to the grey and cold country of England.”
1 Dec 2013 to 31 Jan 2014: Jake Lever – Touching the Sacred
Gilded prints to inspire reflection in All Saints Church. Viewing times in church will be Saturdays 7, 14 & 21 December and 4 & 11 January 11 am – 3 pm. Jake Lever will also be leading Touching the Sacred art workshops on 7 and 14 December
1 to 29 December 2013: Winter Wonderland
All Saints Community Arts present an enjoyable and varied exhibition of Seasonal art work in the All Saints Centre Welcome Space. All the work exhibited was submitted by local people for a Christmas Art Competition. All exhibitors will be congratulated at a special ‘Opening’ in the All Saints Centre Welcome Space on Sunday 1 December at 10.30 am, when Christmas cards of the exhibited pieces will be available for sale.
10 to 30 November: Janice Rider – Black and White and Red All Over
To celebrate Remembrance Janice Rider presents an exhibition in All Saints Church of collage-based works which reflect on War, Conflict & Suffering, focussing on recent conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Through use of newsprint and the printed word as her main material, she questions what part the media, religious belief and economics contribute to East/West relations and the ongoing climate of fear, suspicion and destruction. The exhibition is supported by the film “Little Dreams” directed by Khaled El Hagar which tells the story of a young boy’s experience of the Suez war of 1967. An accompanying exhibition also by Janice Rider: Alexandria Revisited – will be displayed in the All Saints Centre Welcome Space.
30 September – 9 November: John Gage – Birmingham Buildings
John moved to Birmingham in 2004, and since then has been gradually discovering some of the city’s landmarks and recording them in pencil sketches. Prior to exhibiting at the All Saints Centre, he has exhibited at the Botanical Gardens, the Moseley Exchange, Blakesley Hall and Sarehole Mill also in Birmingham. In this exhibition John has tried to capture a range of Birmingham architecture and landmarks, from iconic modern buildings such as Selfridges through to the civic grandeur of the Council House.
2 to 29 September: FIVE DAYS IN BERLIN
Tobias Benjamin Lever’s first solo exhibition of photography. The images were recently taken on a trip to Berlin and present a personal view of this exciting city.
1 July to 1 September: Jane Thakoordin – Delicious
An eclectic mix of textiles, ceramics and paintings by Jane Thakoordin. Jane is predominantly a Community Artist and art teacher, specialising in engaging with marginalised groups. This small show gives Jane the opportunity to showcase her bold, colourful work, that focuses on themes as diverse as her Guyanese family heritage to her love of using textiles and other rich materials to create emotive work.
4-30 June: Refugee Council Photography Project curated by Dan Burwood
The works produced are by refugees resulting from a traditional photography workshop held at Darkroom Birmingham in conjunction with the Refugee Council. It is a fitting exhibition to coincide with Celebrating Sanctuary Week.
30 April to 3 June: Lewis Coley
2-29 April: Nur Ray – Turkish Lace
Artist Nur Ray was inspired by her Turkish grandmother’s 78 year old traditional lacework to create multimedia pieces incorporating plated metals, needle crochet and leather. In 2011, she participated in BMAG’s Lost in Lace, along with internationally renowned lace artists.
4 March to 2 April – Jake Lever
For the last three years, Kings Heath based fine artist Jake Lever has been working with the image of the boat, a metaphor that arose from reflections upon his father’s journey through cancer, and his eventual death. His latest large scale work, The Blue and the Dim and the Gold, features an image of a lone figure in a boat, pausing for a moment on a gilded lake. It will be installed from March 4th – April 2nd in All Saints Church, which will be open to the public on Saturdays throughout the exhibition (March 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th), from 11am – 3pm. Etchings from Jake’s accompanying series The Blue and the Dim will be on display throughout the All Saints Welcome Space for the duration of this exhibition.
5 February to 4 March – Philip Appleyard
Fine art photographer Philip Appleyard created his series River of Life as a way of capturing thoughts and feelings that cannot be expressed in any other way. They are a reflection on his struggle through life challenges, and he sees them as a comment on his strong Christian faith.
8 January to 4 February – Linda Mae
Since training in contemporary art at Birmingham University, multidisciplinary artist Linda Mae has honed an eclectic abstract style and use of colour, through her body of mixed media works, as well as enjoying installation and sound art. She has exhibited at Ruskin Hall, The Custard Factory, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, BIAD, and Ort Gallery, and ASCA is very glad to present an eye catching series of twelve pieces in All Saints Welcome Space. This exhibition of acrylic and mixed media works celebrates life and colour, movement and imagination. Original works from the exhibition are on sale, for more details please contact ASCA.
5 December to 7 January 2013 – Mike Cross
When local maths teacher Mike Cross retired, he took a leaf out of Monty Python’s book, deciding “and now for something completely different!” The result of this move is a really beautiful body of photography, exploring intense colour, reflection and texture, from which Mike has selected a series of works entitled Re-Envision.
4 November to 4 December 2012 – Robert Geoghegan
Robert Geoghegan’s illustrations of not-so-everyday Birmingham life are filled with eccentric characters and a quintessential Brummie wit – you’ll never look at the number 50 bus in the same way again! He is a born and bred Brummie and finds his city and local environment a fascinating source of material for his work. Robert has been doing these type of pictures since 2004 . The key to his work is a keen sense of observation coupled with a sense of what happens when the ordinary and everyday becomes funny or strange.