ASCA’s vision is to treasure and amplify all the wonderfully diverse activities that happen in the church, the centre and Village Square, and to care for the ‘look’ of the entire campus. We want all visitors to very quickly feel at home, to immediately sense that the facilities and activities are here for them to use and enjoy.
There’s always vibrant art on display from local artists in the Welcome /Cafe space and this rolling exhibition is organised by ASCA. If you’d like to arrange an appointment to discuss exhibiting your artwork, please contact us.
To help amplify the amazing work that is already happening and to increase this feeling of ‘homecoming’, a house style and branding are all absolutely key. We have seen this with the Village Square – the way that the sensitive design enables people to slow down and centre themselves.
Health for body, mind and spirit is such a vibrant shared vision here at All Saints. ASCA’s aim is to help the various groups and organisations contributing to this vision to sing out their particular lines beautifully and in tune. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.
If you are passionate about art in your community – you don’t necessarily have to be an artist yourself – and can offer skills and support in Bid-writing, Award applications, contacts with peripatetic Arts Groups, finance control, then please contact Vivien Thickett about volunteering opportunities, through the contact form or contact us at
We have learned from past projects that the need for continuing communication between all parties is vital and so we invite you to bring your ideas to us so we can work together to move forward in realising our vision.