All Saints Centre Kings Heath

A purpose-built centre in the heart of Kings Heath, attached to the historic All Saints Church and fronted by the newly developed Village Square.

Volunteering with All Saints

All Saints has a Volunteers Policy and is committed to giving volunteers a good and useful volunteering experience.  We recognise that people will have different skills and different amounts of time to give.  For more details  email

Volunteering Opportunities with older people

In the Robin Centre
With Activities for the over 55’s
In the Lunch Club
You would be involved directly with the people who attend including :
 Taking part in and planning activities
 Helping the staff
 Talking and listening
 Serving and clearing away food

Volunteer Opportunities with the Youth Project including the Parent Project

You could be involved directly with young people or parents or offer admin support including:
 Generally supporting staff at youth project sessions
 Running activities with young people
 Listening to young people
 Being a mentor
 Helping at parent’s sessions
 Offer counselling
 Supporting office staff with general admin

Volunteering on the Village Square

You would be involved in the maintenance and upkeep of the square and the activities that take place there including:
 Gardening including weeding and planting
 Working with the youth worker or arts coordinator on the square providing activities
 Putting up and taking down market stalls
 Supporting activities

Volunteering for Office Work

There are several office functions within the centre that may require volunteers.  You would be involved in general office work including:
 Photocopying
 Collating
 Filing
 Producing materials and resources

Volunteering in Church

There are many jobs that are done by volunteers in church including:
 Cleaning
 Flower arranging
 Welcoming people at the beginning of services (sides people)
 Singing or playing instrument

Some roles may require training or a qualification
Some roles will require a CRB check
Some areas of All Saints may only have space for limited numbers of volunteers.

What we require from our volunteers

 Commitment, enthusiasm and reliability
 Agreement to work within our policies and values statement

What you get from us

 An opportunity to try new things and to build your CV
 Training, if appropriate
 A friendly place to spend your time
 An opportunity to share your skills and qualities with others

What happens next?

 A meeting with the relevant person, from the area where you wish to do your volunteering, to discuss your skills and interests.
 An enhanced CRB check
 An application form and references
 A discussion on your commitment and how much time you are able to give
 Polices and procedures
 Any relevant training

(not necessarily in this order!)
During or after these discussions it may be decided that this area is not the best place for you to volunteer, if so other options will be discussed.

For more details download a form volunteer form 2022  or call 0121 444 0760